By Bryce

The buy'ce (barbute or helemt) is both a symbol of the Mando'ade and the most important piece of one's kit (see Helmet page). The haalas (cuirass) protects the torso and consists of five componets. The main pieces are the beskad and kal hal'cabure , or brestplates. At the juncture of the breastplate sits a small lozengee-shaped piece of armor known as the ka'rta beskar or tapul. Beneath the breastplates is the shar 'tas, or placard, whitch protects a humanoid's stomach and inards. Above the breastplates is the ghet'bur, or gorget, protecting the upper chest. the gorget attaches to the nor'cabur, or backplate, whitch is reinforced to help bear the weight of the jetpack.

The bes'marbure, or spaulders, protect the shoulders, and are reduced in size from the pauldrons of ancient Mandoalorian armor. The Kal spaulder is for unit insignia: clan or personal marks go on the beskad spaulderThe kom'rks (vambrace or gauntlets) protecting the forearms remain, though primarily as weapon mounts. The lower abdomen is protected by the ven'cabur, or codpiece.

The thighs are protected by motun'bure, or cuissards, which vary in form. The knees are protected by the bes'lovike (poleyns) which offer both protection and a site for mounting additional weapons. The shin and calves are protected by tadun'bure (greaves) though most warriors dispence with rear greaves. The cetar'bure (sabatons) protect the tops of the feet.


The helmet's viewplate automatically augmets vision in low-light conditios and protects it from peaks in intensity preventing you from being blinded from explosions. The veiwplate marcobinocular lenses interface with the range finder, selecting as many as 10 targets for tracking via the heads-up display, controlled either by voice commands or eye movements and blinking. A pineal sensor and microcameras let the wearer see behind him. An encrypted interneal comlink allows communications with others, while a broadband antenna is included for longer range transmissions. The helmet has a two-hour reserve air tank an environmental filter to elemanate contaminants.


The Z-6 is the most common type of jetpack. The Z-6 can maintain sustained flight, as well as offer short burts of lift in order to gain a tactical advantage during combat. It has a maximum vertical height of seventy meters and can be equiped with a top-loaded, rocket firing missle.

Despite the tactical advantages the Z-6 jetpack provided, the unit is vulnerible to external impact damage. A single strong blow with even a stick could conceivably ignite the jetpack, leading to a variety of performance issues, significant potential harm to the body of the wearer, and even... D E A T H